The Florida and Michigan PDL Programs:
Implications for Vermont: Cost Benefit Analysis of Alternative Strategies
(House and Senate Committees on Health and Welfare Health Access Oversight Committee) January 2003

Maine: Dirigo Health

The Wisconsin Healthcare Plan (July 2003)

Council of State Governments: Health and Human Services

National Council of State Legislatures: Health Care

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Kaiser Network: Health Policy as it Happens

Governing Magazine, February 2004
A Case of Neglect:
Why Health Care Is Getting Worse, Even Though Medicine Is Getting Better

Center for Studying Health System Change

National Coalition on Health Care
The Coalition released its recommendations for comprehensive healthsystem reform in its new report, Building a Better Health Care System:Specifications for Reform, at a Capitol Hill press conference on July20, 2004. According to Coalition president Henry E. Simmons, M.D., “Thehealth care reforms we are recommending go far beyond any proposal nowbeing considered.”

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
National research and grant programs on Health Care