Home > Events > Chewing On Leadership
01 May, 2024
6:57 pm

Chewing on Leadership, hosted by Vermont leaders creates a potent platform for relevant questions and meaningful dialogue about current events.  This 45 min event looks at what inspires us in our work and ways to impact with leaders and change makers across Vermont

Next Topic:

Beyond Polarization: Strategies for Effective Communication to Bridge the Political Divide Part 2
Tuesday May 20th
12:15-1:00With Guest Faculty: Sue McCormack and Jeb Spaulding
Sign up here!  https://goo.gl/forms/QMrB5WLGIwgky4bs2

 Sue McCormack

Susan works side by side with organizations and communities to engage people in productive conversations that lead to change.  She specializes in framing policy issues for public discussion, designing effective public processes and fostering constructive dialogue and action among colleagues, citizens, policy makers and community leaders.

In addition to her consulting practice, Sue recently served as the Community Liaison for Creating Community Solutions, part of the National Dialogue on Mental health.As Community Liaison for CCS, she assisted groups and individuals across the United States as they organized community dialogues on mental health.  She also helped to spearhead Text, Talk, Act, a CCS initiative which uses a combination of text messaging, social media and face to face dialogue to engage young people across the country in conversations about mental health.

Sue recently co-coordinated the Heart & Soul of Essex, a two year citizen led initiative funded by the Orton Family Foundation to identify shared community values, foster collaboration and increase civic participation among two linked municipalities.

Previously, Sue was Program Director for Community Development at Everyday Democracy (EDD). During her tenure at EDD she assisted many people and communities around the country with their work to create and sustain public dialogue and problem solving. While at EDD, Susan co-authored Facing Racism in a Diverse Nation, a discussion guide being used around the country to help communities address race relations and racial equity. Susan continues her affiliation with Everyday Democracy as one of sixteen Senior Associates.

Sue also served as the Director of Leadership at the Snelling Center for Government, running the Vermont Leadership Institute, and the Vermont School Leadership Project.

Jeb Spaulding

Jeb Spaulding began his tenure as Chancellor of the Vermont State Colleges in January 2015. The Vermont State Colleges comprise Castleton University, Johnson State College, Lyndon State College, Vermont Technical College, and the Community College of Vermont, enrolling over 12,000 students and employing over 2,100 staff and faculty in 26 locations throughout Vermont. He previously served as Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Administration under Governor Peter Shumlin from 2011 to 2014. Prior to this appointment, Spaulding served as the Vermont State Treasurer from 2003 to 2010, and as a State Senator from 1985 to 2000. He was a founder of WNCS-FM, now The Point.