Governing Magazine, published by Congressional Quarterly Inc. is an excellent resource for news and analysis on government and governance issues at the state and local level.


Valuable resources can also be access at the

National Conference of State Legislatures:


…And The Council of State Governments:



668 pp.; $45.50; ISBN 0-944277-37-3

“…it is probably the most important book published on Vermont in several decades and it will be a phenomenal resource for decades to come.”
Chris Graff, Montpelier Bureau Chief
Associated Press

In this comprehensive study of state government, twenty-nine scholars and practitioners scrutinize Vermont state government as it has evolved since 1965. Organized by areas of governmental activity, including branches of government, agencies, and services, the authors examine the effects of landmark issues and legislation, as well as important events, and discuss dominant trends that have marked state government andits responses to more than three decades of often tumultuous change within the broader national experience.

This unique reference work is ideal for school, college, and public libraries;historical societies; government agencies; and anyone with an interest in Vermont’s history, government, and social issues. It is available for only $45.50 (including $4.50 sales tax and postage).

Order your copy here

For more information or a complete list of contents, please call The Snelling Center at 802 859-3090.

Nonprofit organizations will benefit greatly from this comprehensive resource guide which is available online at no charge. Help your organization have the impact it needs at the State House — visit Getting Started at the State House today!

For more information or a complete list of contents, please call The Snelling Center at 802 859-3090.